"Without any false modesty, I can state that the story of Lake Cerknica is a true wonder of nature, and that it ranks, rightfully and without any bias, among the greatest wonders of the natural world."
Explore Notranjski park
Mountain tops with magnificent views, walks along the lake or streams, and education trails.
A diverse selection of cycling trails in an idyllic natural environment
Cycling trips
Immediately after the snow is gone, beautiful dark purple flowers emerge from their soil shelter
Redki imajo takšno srečo, da so doma na prav posebnem koščku sveta. Tam, kjer mati narava riše čudeže iz kraških biserov, ljudje pa so obdarjeni s pravo mero hudomušnosti, domišljije in poguma, da že 50 let svoje mesto spreminjajo v Mesto pravljic.