Discover extraordinary biodiversity of Lake Cerknica on a canoe trip.
Unfortunately, applications are already filled.
You are invited to check out the other experiences we have prepared for you in the mystical land of Lake Cerknica
Lake Cerknica is truly a biodiversity hotspot. More than 300 bird species were observed here - half of all European species; 45 species of mammals live here - half of all Slovenian species; 125 species of butterflies - just under a third of all European species; 15 amphibian species also spawn here – almost a quarter of all European amphibian species. And carnivorous plants, orchids, amphibious plants... The biotic diversity of this area is really extraordinary!
You will be able to experience part of this while paddling in a canoe on a southern park of the lake. You will be accompanied by a local ornithologist, Anže Škobrne, who will reveal many interesting facts about Slovenia's largest lake.
Duration: from 10:00 to 12:00 (2 h)
Meeting point: Dolenje Jezero, Visitor center Lake Cerknica (N 45.77283, E14.35748)
Guide: Vid Šparemblek, Anže Škoberne (ornithologist)
Necessary equipment: appropriate clothes, snacks, drink and sunscreen; life jackets and a waterproof bag are provided when renting a canoe
Suitable for: everyone
Price: includes guiding, canoe rental and necessary safety equipment
- 15,00 € per person
- free of charge for children up to 12 years old accompanied by two adults in the same canoe
Can also be held in english language.
The number of places is limited. We are accepting applications until Friday, May 17, via the application form on this page. More information at or +386 31 668 223 (TIC Notranjski park). In case of available places, it will be possible to participate in the activity even without prior registration, in case of filling up, priority will be given to those who have registered.
Participation is at your own risk.
[NEW!] Participants of the Guided experiences can benefit from a 25% discount on tickets for the Visitor center Lake Cerknica!
The discount will be calculated upon your invoice and details (first name, last name) with which you registered for the Guided experiences. You can redeem it until the end of 2024.
Without further notice, you can also visit the Museum of Lake Cerknica (Saturdays and public holidays at 11:00 and 15:00, Sundays at 11:00), Križna cave (every day at 15:00 or weekends and public holidays at 11:00 at 15:00) and the Visitor center Lake Cerknica. The sights can also be visited at other times upon prior reservation.
Osnovne informacije dogodka
Date: 19. 5. 2024 - 2024-05-19 10:00:00 2024-05-19 12:00:00 Europe/Ljubljana Paddle: Canoe safari with an ornithologist Center za obiskovalce Cerkniško jezero (N 45.77293, E 14.35738) Notranjski regijski park
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Location : Center za obiskovalce Cerkniško jezero (N 45.77293, E 14.35738)