Project title:
»Managing marsh habitats for conservation of waterfowl of intermittent lakes«
Project number:
LIFE TRSCA – LIFE22/NAT/SI/101114184
Coordinating beneficiary:
Notranjski regijski park
Other beneficiaries:
- University of Ljubljana - Biotechnical Faculty
- DOPPS – Birdlife Slovenia
- Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation
- Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Project duration:
Project objectives:
The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of the intermittent Cerknica Lake. For this purpose, we will:
- introduce new and revise existing agri-environmental schemes, that foster changes to the existing agricultural practices regarding mowing and form the basis for payment of agricultural subsidies to landowners at Cerknica Lake,
- carry out activities for conservation of the most important marsh land-plots, together with monitoring and evaluation of changes in this habitat type,
- remove the dead marsh vegetation and look for new market opportunities of its use,
- restore the breeding habitat of the Ferruginous duck and the Red-necked grebe and reduce disturbances in nesting and wintering periods,
- construct a parking lot at Gorenje Jezero village and install new traffic signalisation and other infrastructure to improve traffic on Cerknica Lake,
- conduct numerous expert surveys and analysis in various fields, necessary for the professional work and appropriate land management at Cerknica Lake,
- inform and educate the general public with a specific focus on activities and events for children and youth.
Work package 1: Project management and coordination
T.1.1 - Project management - NRP
Task description:
Efficient project management is crucial for its successful implementation. Notranjska Regional Park has experience with leading LIFE projects and other European projects. We are familiar with the strict rules of financial and administrative management and the responsibility for executing project activities. The project manager is in charge of providing support and supervising the execution of activities by all partners and coordinating joint activities. The manager has an overview of finances, all documentation, and the schedule for the implementation of activities of all partners. Project coordinators are responsible for coordinating and executing the project activities of each partner.
Status: Task is in progress
T.1.2 - Planning and organizing
Task description:
A detailed work plan will be prepared in the beginning of the project, in which every action will be elaborated, breaking it down to separate tasks. For each task we will identify the timeframe and the project team member responsible for it. The work plan will be revised regularly.
Status: Task is in progress
T.1.3 - Financial management and administration
Task description:
Every member of the project staff is responsible for keeping an up-to-date archive of activities and tasks he/she is responsible for and is obliged to fill out the timesheet forms regularly. Monthly, all timesheets are checked and signed by the project manager or project coordinators. We will pay special attention to financial documentation.
Status: Task is in progress
On Thursday, 14 March and Friday, 15 March 2024, the first visit of the external monitor of the LIFE TRŠCA project, Dr. Mitja Kaligaric, took place in the Notranjska Regional Park. The meeting included a review of the progress of the individual project actions and explanations related to the management and financial aspects of the project. A field visit was also carried out.
T.1.4 - Partnership meetings
Task description:
In the course of the project, regular meetings of project staff are foreseen to guarantee the unhindered realization of all project objectives and the smooth performance of project actions. The Project’s steering & technical committee composed of representatives of all beneficiaries will be established.
Status: Task is in progress
We have set up regular partnership meetings to review the work we have done and agree what needs to be done in the future.
Work package 2: Improving the reedbeds and other marsh vegetation of HT 3180* management by introducing new and revising existing Agri-environment schemes and other CAP measures to promote limited mowing
T.2.1 - Determination of the optimum marsh vegetation management regime
Task description:
As part of task T.2.1 NRP and project partners will determine the optimal management of all types and subtypes of marsh vegetation of the HT 3180* with a precise definition of habitat type distribution. All the findings will be the basis for the economically efficient formulation of new Agri-environment schemes for managing marsh vegetation and adaptation of existing measures and the preparation of a detailed land management plan in the project area. Task T.2.1 is divided into four subtasks:
T.2.1.i - Analysis of existing land use as well as related rules and measures of agricultural policy
ZRSVN and MKGP will analyse data on land use in the project area in the last five years and data on farmers' enrolment in agri-environment measures and other measures of the agricultural policy. We will identify the measures with a negative impact on the management of marsh vegetation and should therefore be changed. We will also include the experiences of 30 local farmers in the analysis of the state of existing management practices of marsh vegetation. We will perform interviews with these farmers.
T.2.1.ii - Identification of marsh vegetation types and determination of their optimal management
In this subtask, we will use a professional GPS device to determine the exact distribution of the different types of marsh vegetation on Lake Cerknica, assess each of them from an ecosystem perspective, and determine the optimal management method. We will also prepare an analysis of the ecological needs of the Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) and the Ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca). Experts from Poland will also be involved in the analysis and will visit Lake Cerknica to advise the project team in the field.
Based on all the collected data and analyses, a report on the optimal use of the marsh habitats will be prepared, which will be the basis for the preparation of the Management Plan (T.2.1.iv) and the design of agri-environmental measures.
T.2.1.iii - Set up of experimental / demonstration plots with different mowing regimes
NRP will set up a set of experimental plots in two locations to test different mowing regimes (no mowing, mowing once a year, mowing every two years, mowing every three years). Regular vegetation inventories will be carried out on these plots to monitor the response of the habitat and vegetation to the different management regimes. These test plots will also be useful as a teaching tool for different groups.
NRP will first prepare a detailed plan for the establishment and management of the test plots, then they will be marked on the ground and an information board with information on this sub-action will be set up.
T.2.1.iv - Detailed Land management plan in the project area
Based on data gathered in all the above-mentioned activities, we will prepare a detailed management plan for each land plot in the project area. The implementation of that plan will ensure optimal conditions for different marsh vegetation types as well as populations of target bird species.
Status: Task is in progress
On 6 February 2024, we held an internal workshop on wetland habitat valuation with all project partners. We looked at 6 types of wetland habitats: vital reedbeds, reedbeds on suboptimal sites in a combination with tall sedges, tall sedge communities, riparian marsh vegetation, lake windows and bulrush communities. For each of them, we first defined the plant and animal species associated with it, and then all the things to look out for when planning an agricultural policy measure.
T.2.2 - Formulation of new and revision of existing Agricultural policy measures for the Cerknica Lake area
Task description:
Main objective of T.2.2. is to formulate new and revise existing Agri-environmental and other measures of Agricultural policy for the preservation of marshland habitats of the intermittent lake (HT 3180*). The measures for marsh vegetation will be placed in the next Strategic Plan for the period 2028-2034 and implemented into the new financial perspective of the Common agricultural policy after 2027.
T.2.2.i - Establishment of an expert group for land management and preparation of new/revised Agricultural policy measures proposals
An expert group, established in the scope of this subtask, will formulate new and revise existing Agricultural policy measures proposals for the preservation of marshland habitats of the intermittent Cerknica lake. The expert group will be composed of representatives of all project partners, representatives of the Agricultural Advisory Service, the Agency for Agricultural Markets, local agrarian communities, and hunting societies.
The expert group will take part in two trips abroad to visit organizations with experience in designing agricultural measures. The aim of the trips will be an exchange of information. The group will also prepare an adjustment of the currently valid VTR measure for the corncrake.
T.2.2.ii - Preparation of materials for the work of the expert group
Several different materials are needed for the appropriate formulation of new/revised Agricultural policy measures. These materials will serve as starting points and will be prepared by the project partners as part of this task, namely:
- material on the impact of mowing on reed beds, tall sedges, and other marsh vegetation,
- material about the impact of mowing of reedbeds and other marsh vegetation on birds,
- overview and analysis of related Agricultural policy measures from other EU countries,
- material on the impact of water regime/fluctuations on marsh vegetation,
- material on the economic aspects of mowing the marsh vegetation.
T.2.2.iii - Adoption of the proposals in the relevant national regulations of the Common agricultural policy
Agricultural policy measures proposals will be formally adopted in national legislation of Common Agricultural policy.
T.2.2.iv - Informing farmers and encouraging them to enrol in new / revised Agri-environmental and other Agricultural policy measures
We will carry out a series of activities to inform local farmers and landowners about future changes and to encourage them to apply for the newly created measures.
Status: Task is in progress
Work package 3: System solution for the protection of the most important marsh landplots
T.3.1 - Creation of a GIS database for nature conservation land management support in the intermittent Cerknica Lake area
Task description:
NRP possesses more than 800 plots of land, which are scattered throughout the intermittent lake area. In the scope of the project LIFE TRŠCA, we will purchase and exchange another 100 ha of land. The amount of plots we deal with and the data we collect is so large that data management has become a serious bottleneck. Project partners NRP, ZRSVN, and DOPPS, will therefore develop and establish an online GIS database, that will serve to manage all the information necessary to master and control the land management. In the scope of task T.3.1, two trips abroad are foreseen to visit organizations that use similar GIS database systems and exchange knowledge with them.
The new database module will be an integral part of the national Nature Conservation Atlas and available to all Slovenian nature parks and organizations involved in nature conservation-oriented land management in Slovenia.
Status: Task is in progress
T.3.2 - Clarification of ownership relations in the intermittent lake area
Task description:
There are several 100 ha of land in the intermittent Cerknica Lake area with unclear ownership. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the inheritance procedures after the death of the landowner were not executed; secondly, the inheritance of land according to the principle of shares; and thirdly, the process of transferring lands from the former communal property in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the agrarian community was not carried out. The consequence of the unclear ownership situation is that NRP often cannot acquire land for nature conservation-oriented management. As a result, these plots of land are now abandoned and overgrown by copse, or even worse – they are illegally occupied by third parties. We will therefore review the ownership of all land plots in the project area and engage a lawyer, who will provide us with a legal opinion on how the various types of existing ownership relationships can be clarified.
Status: Task is in progress
T.3.3 - Land plots exchange
Task description:
This task will concentrate on land exchanges. Land plots possessed by the NRP and suitable for annual mowing will be exchanged with privately owned areas of marsh vegetation where annual land use is not desirable and even leads to the degradation of the ecosystem in some places. We will also conduct land plot exchanges to round off the properties thus making them easier to manage.
Status: Not due yet
T.3.4 - Land purchase and establishment of suitable microhabitats for reed bed bird species
Task description:
The purchase of land in the scope of this task will be focused primarily on the most sensitive land in terms of marshland biodiversity conservation. NRP will acquire 10 ha of vital and potentially vital reed beds and 40 ha of tall sedge communities and mixed communities of reeds and sedges. On the purchased and exchanged land, we will establish important microhabitats – patches of open water, which are feeding areas for the Ferruginous duck and Red-necked grebe. Such patches of open water surrounded by reeds, which provide cover from predators and other disturbances, promise suitable breeding habitats also for other reedbed bird species.
Status: Not due yet
Work package 4: Removal of the dead biomass deposits and a pilot production of the products made of biomass surpluses
T.4.1 - Removal of dead biomass deposits
Task description:
Thick deposits of dead biomass in certain places of the intermittent Cerknica Lake worsen the condition of the Ferruginous duck and Red-necked grebe’s nesting habitat and threaten the marsh vegetation. Such deposit patches are mostly created in reed beds as these are the only obstacles in the lake where the debris carried by the wind can stop. In addition to the dead reeds the deposits are also made of hay which the farmers did not manage to remove in time. In the scope of this task, we will systematically remove the dead biomass deposits during wintertime each year. For this purpose, we will purchase a specific type of harvester, similar to those used in nature reserves in England and Germany where they face the same challenges. As part of this task, we are also planning to visit these two parks abroad, where we will look at the machinery and decide on the most suitable for the conditions on Lake Cerknica.
Status: Task is in progress
T.4.2 - Development of products made of surplus biomass from intermittent lake
Task description:
We will develop alternative ways of using the excess biomass removed from the lake area and at the same time present farmers with a solution for potential surpluses of hay. The biomass can be used as raw material to produce pellets for pet litter, for composting, or for the micro biogas plant. In the scope of this task, we will conduct pilot experiments using biomass for all three potential solutions.
Status: Task is in progress
Work package 5: Reducing the disturbance of birds by visitors
T.5.1 - Determination of areas and periods when bird disturbance must be avoided
Task description:
Birds need peace and quiet for successful nesting and wintering. Disturbances caused by visitors to the most sensitive area of the Lake include hiking, driving, boating, and hunting. To effectively prevent the disturbance of Ferruginous duck, Red-necked grebe, and other bird species characteristic of the intermittent lake it is crucial to analyse the types of disturbance, as well as areas and periods when individual bird species are most sensitive to disturbance. Based on these findings, we will determine appropriate types of individual quiet zones, their potential locations, and the optimal regime to prevent disturbance in each of them.
Status: Not due yet
T.5.2 - Reduction of bird disturbance caused by excessive use of boats
Task description:
Boating on the Cerknica Lake still poses a threat to the nesting water birds' wellbeing, It is particularly problematic during the dry season when it is practiced on the last remaining water bodies in the lake area. In the scope of this task, we will prepare a proposal for changes to current boating rules with specified areas of restrictions and participate in revising the ordinance on boating which will have to be approved by the Municipality of Cerknica. Furthermore, we will pay special attention to raising people's awareness of appropriate behaviour, namely, respecting the rules on boating. Since most of the boating rules violations arise from restrictions related to the water level of the lake and, consequently, misunderstanding of the boating restrictions, we will create an online interface showing the Web users where boating is allowed at the given moment. We will also install information boards explaining the boating regime in five locations at the lake.
Status: Not due yet
T.5.3 - Restriction of bird hunting in quiet zones
Task description:
Hunting is also a threat to water birds' well-being, especially for wintering birds. Any unnatural disturbance during wintertime causes agitation, constant stress, or even consequent migration. Together with three local hunting societies, we will agree on the cancellation of hunting in the areas of quiet zones. ZRSVN will ensure the agreed quiet zones will be included in the operational program of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia »Natura 2000 Management Program«, which will be the basis for changes to hunting management plans.
Status: Not due yet
T.5.4 - Restricting visitor access to sensitive areas
Task description:
Greatly increased and uncontrolled visits during the peak tourist season causes significant pressure on rare and endangered water birds and birds bound to the intermittent lake habitats. To reduce the disturbance it is necessary to limit the visitors’ access to the most sensitive parts of the Cerknica lake and redirect visitors to areas where their presence is less disturbing. To this end, we will prepare a detailed traffic management plan for Lake Cerknica, install new infrastructure, traffic signs and digital visitor guidance equipment, and build a car park on near Gorenje Jezero village.
Status: Task is in progress
T.5.5 - Capacity building of the park wardens service especially in the field of supervision of the park visitors access and activities
Task description:
We will ensure stricter park ranger control to ensure that the visitors will follow existing and revised rules on the lake. Our newly employed park ranger will make sure the visitors respect the traffic regime, access restrictions, boating rules, and restrictions in quiet zones. We will also place five cameras to record violations in the nighttime at the most sensitive parts of the intermittent lake.
Status: Task is in progress
Work package 6: Sustainability, replicability and exploitation
T.6.1 - Exploitation
Task description:
Our project results will be collected and presented to be available for further use and upgrading. We will transfer the developed methods, systems, knowledge, and experience to areas outside the pilot area in Slovenia and abroad. Based on experience gained through the development of new agricultural policy measures we will develop another Agricultural policy measure to support nature-friendly management of marsh vegetation throughout Slovenia. The knowledge for land use monitoring, gained in the scope of this project, will be spread among nature park managers across Slovenia by organizing seminars. Among other things, we'll present an online database, set up during the project, that will include a module for recording bird disturbances, disruptive activities, and rule violations. Seminar participants will be encouraged to use it in their work.
Status: Not due yet
T.6.1.i - Exploitation of experience about land use monitoring to other nature parks in Slovenia
T.6.1.ii - Development and implementation of an agricultural policy measure applicable for marshland all over Slovenia
T.6.1.iii - Database as support to land management available to use by other nature parks in Slovenia and monitoring of bird disturbance and other disturbances/violations important for nature conservation throughout Slovenia
T.6.2 - Sustainability
Task description:
We will ensure the sustainability of the project results for the long term and secure optimal management of marsh vegetation for conservation of the habitat type Turloughs and target birds. An After–LIFE plan will be prepared, where all activities to sustain project results will be defined.
Status: Not due yet
Work package 7: Monitoring and evaluation
T.7.1 - Monitoring impact of the project on the breeding populations of reedbed bird species
Task description:
In this project, we will carry out numerous activities that will significantly improve the vitality of the reedbeds, especially in the areas of patches of open water, which are the principal nesting habitat of the Ferruginous duck and Red-necked grebe as well as other water birds and reedbed bird species. Changes in the populations of nesting reedbed bird species will be monitored during the 5 project years through mapping of reedbed bird species breeding territories and monitoring of Red-necked grebe and Ferruginous duck during breeding season.
Status: Task is in progress
T.7.1.i - Mapping of reedbed bird species breeding territories
T.7.1.ii - Monitoring of Red-necked grebe and Ferruginous duck in breeding season
T.7.2 - Monitoring the impact of the project on the marsh vegetation and its management
Task description:
Activities carried out in this project will significantly improve the vitality of marsh vegetation.
We will monitor the changes during the 5 project years through monitoring the project’s impact on the vitality of reedbeds and monitoring of land management.
Status: Task is in progress
T.7.2.i - Monitoring the project impact on the vitality of the reedbeds
T.7.2.ii - Land management monitoring
T.7.3 - Monitoring the impact of the project on water birds
Task description:
In this project, we will carry out numerous activities that will gradually improve the water birds' habitat, while the harmful impacts of disturbance will be reduced. The nesting and wintering waterbird populations will gradually increase, which will be monitored by conducting waterbird surveys. We’ll also monitor the extent of water birds' disturbance with the help of an internet database.
Status: Task is in progress
T.7.3.i - Water birds monitoring
T.7.3.ii - Monitoring disturbance of water birds with the support of the Internet data base
T.7.4 - Water level monitoring and analysis
Task description:
Water levels at intermittent Cerknica Lake are extremely variable and unpredictable. The extent and duration of the lake phase have a great impact on vegetation as well as on water birds' population size and their nesting success. For that reason, we will carry out an analysis of lake extent at various water levels. We will also monitor the characteristics of water levels in different areas of Cerkniško polje and the drying out of open water patches. All activities in this task will be coordinated by the Karst Research Institute.
Status: Task is in progress
T.7.4.i - Analysis of lake extent at various water levels
T.7.4.ii - Additional measurements of water levels in selected areas and identification of local deviation of water levels from the theoretical horizontal level
Work package WP8: Communication and dissemination
T.8.1 - Project Communication Strategy and Visual Identity
Task description:
To ensure clear and smooth communication between project partners and with the public, we will prepare a Project Communication Strategy. The main goal of the strategic communication plan is to regularly inform all target groups about the project's progress and results. In the scope of this task, we will develop the project's visual identity as well.
Status: The task has been fully implemented and completed
Project LIFE TRŠCA logo:
T.8.2 - Networking
Task description:
We will get in contact with European organizations implementing similar LIFE projects and visit their protected areas. Past project experiences of other organizations will help us execute our project activities more effectively. Furthermore, cooperation and exchange of information based on good practices open new opportunities for further international cooperation in the field of nature conservation and ensuring favourable conditions for endangered species. To disseminate our project results, active participation in conferences or other similar events is foreseen in the scope of this task as well.
Status: Task is in progress
In May 2024, our project team visited the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP), an organisation working in the Greek part of Lake Prespa. SPP has been running the LIFE Prespa Waterbirds project (LIFE15 NAT/GR/000936) from 2016 to 2021, and before that they have been running the following LIFE projects: LIFE Prespa Fish & Fisheries, LIFE Mikri Prespa, LIFE Stymfalia and LIFE JunEx. During our visit we were introduced to their current activities, past projects and the machinery they use for their work.
T.8.3 - Short presentation films
Task description:
We will produce two short presentation films presenting project LIFE TRŠCA, since video materials are one of the key tools used in online communication.
Status: Not due yet
T.8.4 - Social media
Task description:
We will publish a project website, which will be an upgrade of the already existing page by NRP. We will update it regularly with news, activities, and results of the project. The online presence of the project will also be ensured by having a presence on various platforms of social media. Project Facebook presence will be achieved through the NRP Facebook page since it already has a wide reach and a large audience.
Status: Task is in progress
The website is accessible on the following link: https://www.notranjski-park.si/projekti/life-trsca
Video presentation of the project website on 29 February 2024
Dedicated project pages on Beneficiaries´ websites:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
DOPPS – Birdlife Slovenia
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation
University of Ljubljana - Biotechnical Faculty
slo: https://www.bf.uni-lj.si/sl/raziskave/raziskovalni-projekti/2024041114371803/
eng: https://www.bf.uni-lj.si/en/research/research-projects/2024041114371803/
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
T.8.5 - Working with media
Task description:
To ensure project results and various activities are known to the public, we will maintain regular communication with journalists and media houses. We will cooperate with local, as well as national media outlets. All media communication will be carried out in accordance with the communication plan prepared under task T.8.1.
Status: Task is in progress
T.8.6 - Communication with the urban population of NRP
Task description:
We will organise art exhibitions and cinema events to reach out, especially to young people who have moved to the Notranjska Park area or who are not yet closely connected to lakeside life. Such events aim to arouse their interest in the project activities and to inform them about the project's contents and nature protection.
Status: Task is in progress
Report on the photography exhibition(SLO)
T.8.7 - Meetings with villagers
Task description:
To establish a model of co-management of the park by locals by incorporating their opinions into our work, we will, together with key Agrarian societies connected to the project area, organize social meetings with the locals. Six meetings will be organized covering all villages around the Cerknica lake.
Status: Not due yet
T.8.8 - VR production
Task description:
We will generate a virtual reality experience of the Red-necked Grebe in its natural habitat to allow visitors of the park to see the project's target species. The VR experience will be placed in our Information Centre for visitors at the entrance of Cerknica Lake.
Status: Not due yet
T.8.9 - Promotional materials
Task description:
For the promotion of project visibility and the work of the project’s key stakeholders, we will produce different promotional materials and other project small give-away materials. Promotional material will be used to support local events and raffles.
Status: Not due yet
T.8.10 - Puppet show
Task description:
We believe that a key demographic we need to educate and inform about our activities is young children. We will therefore create a puppet show based on the legend of the creation of Cerknica Lake.
Status: Not due yet
T.8.11 - Educational contents
Task description:
Young people are the future biologists and ecologists who will someday take care of our environment, which is why it is so important to educate them now. We will perform various pedagogical activities: Creative competitions, Nature field trips for local Primary schools, and Youth nature conservation camps.
Status: Task is in progress
T.8.11.i Creative competitions
School year 2024/2025: Creative competition "Če bi bil ptica"
School year 2023/2024: Creative competition "Slike in zgodbe iz tršce"
Report on the creative competition (SLO)
T.8.11.ii Nature field trips for local Primary schools
Worksheet for the 1st triad - LIFE TRSCA
Worskheet for the 2nd triad - LIFE TRSCA
Worksheet for the 3rd triad - LIFE TRSCA
Report on the implementation of nature field trips in school year 2023/2024 (SLO)
T.8.11.iii Youth nature conservation camps for students
Summer Nature Conservation camp (grades 1-3)