Wetlands are vital for the survival of living creatures on Earth. They are among the most productive ecosystems on our planet. They are cradles of biotic diversity, which provide water supply that plants, animals, and also people depend for survival.
Among the most obvious ecosystem-related services provided by wetlands are freshwater, food, building materials, flood control, groundwater recharge and climate change mitigation.
And yet, wetland areas continue to decline on the global level, and the preservation of their natural processes is deteriorating …
The decline in these ecosystems called for the Convention on Wetlands, also known as the Ramsar Convention, which uses a broad definition of wetlands. It includes lakes and rivers, underground aquifers, swamps and marshes, wet grasslands, oases, estuaries, deltas and tidal flats, mangroves and other coastal areas, coral reefs, and also all human-made sites – rice paddies, reservoirs, salt pans and similar.
The Ramsar Convetion presently counts more than 160 countries that recognize the importance of having one international treaty dedicated to this ecosystem, and wish to follow the ‘wise use of wetlands’ philosophy.
Intermittent Lake Cerknica, together with the picturesque sunken Rakov Škocjan valley and the underground treasure of the Križna jama, has been included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance as one of the three Ramsar Sites in Slovenia since 2006.