Education Trail "Rakov Škocjan"
Easy marked education trail
Starting point
Rakov ŠkocjanLength
6 kmClimbs
188 mDrops
188 mDuration
3 hDifficulty
Route map
Elevation profile of the route

Taking a break in the shades of century-old oak trees, enjoying the view of the splendid Big Natural Bridge (Veliki naravni most), travelling back in time at the ruins of the church of St. Cantianus, breathing in the fresh cave air under the slender arch of the Little Natural Bridge (Mali naravni most), or strolling along the soft and maintained trail by the tall-grown firs is an unforgettable experience over and over again...
Information boards along the trail tell us all about the Rakov Škocjan valley – primarily about the Big and Small Natural Bridges (Veliki in Mali naravni most), which are, in fact, remains of a cave ceiling. Namely, the Rakov Škocjan was created when the ceiling of a karst cave collapsed and created this picturesque sunken valley.
A map of all the hiking trails in the mystical land of Lake Cerknica can be purchased at the Visitor center Lake Cerknica for € 2,00. Hike through our very special piece of the world.